Radio band

Distance & Coverage

3.5MHz (80 metres)

Generally up to 150KM during the day or up to 3000KM at night.

7MHz (40 metres)

Generally up to 1000KM during the day or world-wide at night during good conditions.

21 MHz (15 metres)

World-wide  - mostly during the day.

28 MHz (10 metres)

World-wide during periods of high sunspot activity and up to 3000km in summer.

144MHz (2 metres)

Local coverage plus world-wide via digital options.

432MHz (70cm) 

Local coverage, over 2000 km using something known as tropospheric ducting plus world-wide via digital options.  

Training and Assessment Enquiry Form

Tell us how you would like to begin your journey into amateur radio or upgrade your existing qualification and how we can assist?
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