2025 Events
Events Calendar
Clandestine Antennas Presentation
Wednesday 07 May 2025, 19:30
Hits : 120
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Owen VK2AEJ will be presenting on "Clandestine Antennas". The presentation will cover the various situations in which the antenna (HF and VHF) is to be
inconspicuous or even hidden, and the physical structures which do the job while being unseen or looking unlike any antenna.
Members and guests are invited to a friendly gathering in the bistro, at 6.30 pm on the first floor of the Mortdale RSL Club. Drinks and a meal can be purchased from the bistro and bar.
Following from about 7.30 pm in one of the rooms adjoining the bistro, The St George Amateur Radio Society Inc will be holding the gathering and presentation.
Location Mortdale RSL Club, 25 Macquarie Place, Mortdale NSW, Sydney