2024 Events

Events Calendar

Show and Tell - It's Your Moment
Wednesday 04 September 2024, 19:30
Hits : 561
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At the September gathering there will be the SGARS annual show and tell night. All members and visitors are invited to bring some item along to show the others at the gathering. It is well known that amateur radio operators have a wide variety of other interests, hobbies or crafts. We look forward to seeing a plethora of items that will both interest and stimulate members. 

So start looking for items to bring along. If an item is too big, then bring along some photos on a USB stick, show them on the projector and then talk about them.

The gathering of SGARS will be held at Mortdale RSL club, 25 Macquarie Pl, Mortdale NSW 2223, commencing 7:30pm.

For further details on upcoming SGARS presentations and activities, and our new venue, please visit our website www.sgars.org

Location Mortdale RSL club, 25 Macquarie Pl, Mortdale NSW