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DMR HotSpot Presentation
Wednesday 07 August 2024, 19:30 - 21:00
Hits : 709
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For those who are not familiar with DMR, it is a digital voice mode. An amateur with a DMR radio can use it to talk directly to another amateur nearby in the simplex mode. Alternatively an amateur can use a one of the many DMR repeaters that have been established over the last few years to talk with more distant stations. These repeaters can act in just the same way as traditional VHF & UHF repeaters.

DMR repeaters can also be linked via the internet to other DMR repeaters around the world. In VK2 we have RADNET that is sponsored by ARNSW.

For those amateurs who are not in range of a DMR repeater, they can use a HOTSPOT. These are micro powered transceivers that can be connected to the internet enabling a user to connect to a DMR repeater nearby or on the other side of the world.

Roland VK2YAD will give a presentation on DMR hotspots. Come along and find out about these interesting little devices.

Location Mortdale RSL Club